But I question the efficiency of our bodies or rather what god intends for our bodies from whence we first took our first steps into life. Fats are supposed to be our angels, that help us go through periods of starvation and all, but today it has mutated into a menace. Just look at all those slimming products on the market and the increasing number of gym memberships and promotions. The mere existence of corportaions that feast on our disease is sickening but strangely lucrative from their point of view.
Those pills on the market, god knows if they truely work. However I can only say that if I were a bussinessman, as horried as it may sound and it would seem logical too that we would never want to market something too effective. Highlight is on the 'too'. Because if products were so successful how do we even earn money when a one time usage would be sayonara afterward. Don't believe me? just look around you. America for instance has 1 in 3 people being obese, yet ask yourself if advertisements of slimming miracles have dwindled. face it. If products really work then no one in this world would be fat anymore, and the war on fats would be as sound as nuclear bombs dropped on japan during world war two.
The only solution to emerge triumphant over the persistent lipids is to be smart enough to notice these trends and commonplace phenomenon. After this GREAT realisation, then its time to reevaluate old methods and improvise new ones. Easier said than done, because soon it will be an even greater battle with yourself over sacrifices that HAVE to be made to achieve that ideal weight.
Bummer... If only wars on the fats and inches would be as easy as dropping a nuclear bomb. No one likes to be fat. Hate them, but can't do away with them. Punch it, kick it, cut it... Man I tell you nothing works, and that feeling of feeling so fat is awfully... AWFUL and it is no exaggeration. for now the first fires of war have sounded. A war that a lot of people face today, as do I. Geesh... let's just hope getting mad helps lose a couple of punds because I am fuming at my own fats =@. Hope people see the change in my weight after the two weeks of study 'break'. Which is purpoesly in inverted commas because it is far from a break. Call it literally make or break is more like it. haha... yea... sarcastic here... if u get what i mean