Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's Starting To Get Dead Here

As simply as the title implies... I guess this blog might as well proclaimed dead. Many dramatic events had just recently passed by, yet I was really too lazy to blog it all down. For one, I'm still not in NS yet. Yeah... bummer. Instead it has been rescheduled to 3rd of june instead le. I wonder what it truely means... For things all happen for a reason I'm sure... So for now... My days are spent training every single day twice as hard as before so that the delayed enlistment at least suits meaning.

I looked back at some incident of the past and I just wonder what the hell went through my mind at that point of time. Maybe it's just me... but sometimes people do things under weird circumstances that totally defies who they usually are. I start to quiz then which is truely the real person underneath the many onion layers overlying. If history was changed... would it be as it is today? Maybe not necessarily for the worst but also it could be worst. Who knows. (As someone I know said before that... All this is wishful thinking because everyone knows that time cannot be altered)

The stab of a levels results still pricks at me whenever it is brought up. I know Ns and uni would be a new life, but for now it still hurts. =/// Envious of some people... But then, I also can't do much abt it so it is in my heart. In Uni everyone is like so smart, and I start to ponder if I would sink or float. Maybe all my life I have been in a small pond and now I face the ocean. I just know I want to succeed. So I really wish... there would be no more distractions and I can achieve the future of my dreams...