Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A function of module performance

I was just randomly musing about what actually contributes to that 'A', 'B' or even 'C' grades that we got from each module. Could there be a factors that go into giving us certain outcomes? Because knowing so may help us to bring our CAP up and get better grades! And alas, I procrastinated for a good hour or so and came up with this in-no-way mathematical hypothesis of the factors that make up the grade performance function, F:

F(performance) = 0.1*Hardwork + 0.2*Resource utilization + 0.1*Attitude + 0.3*Perception of strengths and weaknesses + 0.2*Intelligence + 0.1*Deviation

I touch on each in turn:

Intelligence (20%):
Whether we like it or not, all academical pursuits or tests or whatsoever require thinking and wit. Therefore, when it goes down to solving that challenging question set in the final exam paper it really depends on the individuals' ability to recall information and knowledge, process the question and then combine the two prior processes to give an intelligent answer. Needless to say, the entire framework of thinking involves intelligence. And cruelly, we aren't all as smart as some others are =( There are real beasts out there!! On the bright side, I feel intelligence is only worth a 20% weight because there are other factors which I feel matters as well.

Resource utilization (20%):
What separates an efficient person and a slacker is not whether he/ she is more intelligent or not. The importance of resource utilization becomes paramount because we all have access to the same resources! Take for instance, some exams allow students to bring in an A4 sized cheat sheet. We all have the same resource of which to help us in the exam but the difference appears with regard to what we choose to put inside. (or in some cases the size of your handwriting and hence the amount of info you can squeeze in) Not only to cheat sheets but also the entire school and faculty staff. Everyone paid the same school fees and hence have equal privileges to seek professor tutor guidance. Failing to do so is called: Under-utilization of resources and hence a source of inefficiency!

Hardwork (10%):
Yes, of course this is probably the oldest answer in the book! In a country of semi-democracy, social studies have long imparted to us the meritocratic nature of success and how hardwork and the pursuit for diligence guarantee us a bright future. Not to mention hardwork has always been a valued trait of Asian societies; deferred gratification and a willing to sacrifice. As much as some of us hate this or do not believe in this, the amount of effort we put into studying does help us improve our performance in exams. The only question is how much? It will be naive to assert that putting in 20% of effort will give a 20% improvement. More often than not we experience something called 'diminishing returns', whereby after putting in a certain amount of hardwork, we come to realize that putting in more effort leads to lesser and lesser improvement. Because of this diminishing returns factor, hardwork can thus only bring us this far. Sad but true. However, for those who feel they lack the intelligence like myself =) Having hardwork can help to overcome some distance between a smart person and yourself.

Attitude (10%):
Face it, we all love what we love but hate what we hate. I can easily remember all 649 pokemon now in the pokemon universe and even vividly remember the exciting points in age old drama serials. Yet when it comes down to things such as operations management concepts and accountancy standards that I learned a year ago, things are just foggy at best! There is power when you like certain things because it produces in you a positive outlook and a natural enthusiasm (call it passion if you like). Business analytics 2 for example, is one of the most hated modules in business school. Initially, I hated it so much!! Like really. But I come to realize how useful it is and how I can apply it to other modules and suddenly the module becomes so much easier for me. It is a miracle! For other modules, I may hate the subject but I fell in love with the tutors and professors who have inspired me. That helps in attitude too =)

Optimizing strengths and weaknesses (30%):
Each and everyone of us is unique. We all have different sets of strengths and weaknesses which are sometimes determined by our upbringings or personalities. When I say optimizing strengths and weaknesses I mean making the correct decisions that help to focus your strengths and help overcome your weaknesses. Ways we can do this is... Mapping overseas the modules that you feel you cannot do well (that in itself is smart move because you have evaluated your strength and weakness and feel that it will be wiser to do this elsewhere where the module will harm your CAP less). It could also relate to how you choose to spend your study break/ week. Some people have the awareness of their own capacity to memorize things. For myself, I cannot study more than 6 hours a day because I know anything beyond that will be useless. I mean I can study but the thing is everything (including those studied in the 6 hours prior) will be a blank the next day I wake up. This is an example of weakness and I have no choice but to limit studying per day and watch TV and play games instead. Not because I want to slack but because I am optimizing my weakness. The strength comes because, if I were to study only 6 hours a day I can remember everything almost perfectly the next day and this is a compounded effect. Therefore, I know I seem to play a lot all the time. But it is all because I know my own strengths and weaknesses well. Oh and I also DON'T study 12 hours prior to an exam. I feel it makes me too nervous haha

Deviation (10%):
As to all things in life, nothing is certain. Our expectations rarely, if not never coincide with reality. Things always deviate: for the lucky ones they become unexpected miracles; but for the most of the people it leads to disappointments. There are so many additive reasons for why deviations occur. It could be a carelessness during the heat of the moment; an epiphany from god; a tumourous cell building up in your brain that you were not yet aware of. It could be anything! Because of these additive reasons things always turn out differently (small or big). Perhaps we could call this 10% unexplainable 'luck'

That's all I think account for performance for a module or your exams. Of course you might disagree with me but this is what matters in my opinion =) And sadly, even knowing all the factors there really ain't much we can do about certain factors. But I hope it allows you to see something you didn't realize before and that it may hence help you improve your grades. (as much as I want to bring up mine sobs*)

Just remember:
Where there are winners there will be losers, so better always be on the edge or you may just be pushed out of position and end up being a loser in this game.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pinpoint strikes

Sometimes we feel uncomfortable because the people around us seem to be doing things differently from us. Just like during the mugging period when we see people study day/ night and do many crazy things, that it drives us crazy and makes us doubt ourselves and ask ourselves if we were doing it enough or doing it right. It gets a little frustrating sometimes having these doubts and feeling so afraid... I mean... yes... I am afraid that I am doing things wrong; afraid I will be getting bad grades; afraid that I will see failure yet again.

I've seen my share of Cs in my university life. At first I couldn't believe it, partly because of my pride: back when I used to see have the A grade come so easily. But things are different now and I come to realize that hard work is important!

I used to feel insulted when people said I worked very hard (I have to be honest). That was because I felt that people thought I have no substance/ talent and only relied on being a closet mugger of sorts. But I realize how foolish I was, because I am proud to be hardworking =). Just this semester, someone I met for the first time said I was the 'most hardworking person' she ever met haha. Ironically, I never used to be hardworking and only really started last to this semester.

There is no shame to say that I am weak. In fact I want to say that I really ain't very good at school at all. I have not seen an A grade whatsoever in my entire 2 years in NUS. But that doesn't mean I just roll over and die or give up trying. I can't match up to the raw talents and abilities of those around me (and truly they are impressive and so multi-talented that goes beyond mere academics); but I will try to close this gap in my own way and with my own diligence and understanding of myself. That in itself is what it truly means to FEEL ALIVE for me...

We are all fundamentally different, and that means we have different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, no one way of doing things works for everyone and I have to maintain the strength of my will to resist doubting my own methods. Truth be told, I think people will be shocked at how slack I am for preparing for my final exams... but to myself:

The key to me is and always will be: Minimum effort maximum output... Because I know my own capacity and am patient about progress. Hard work and true effort that will never lose to anyone will come only at the right moment; pinpoint strikes I call it that will help make this semester REDEMPTION from my past failures... Determined as ever!