Waiting for something that might not come at this very moment... Yet waiting like there's all that 100% guarantee that with enough hope things will go as you wish or expected... Not just waiting for things at this moment... everyone.... everything... seems to be waiting for something else... What am I waiting for? I am waiting... ... for what I am waiting for... ...
I see bubbles all around me... Beautiful bubbles of dreams so big... Fragile bubbles of hopes real easily dashed... I see the passion in people's eyes, feel the warmth of life flowing through people's veins, and hear voices of people vague and clear... I smile to the image of flowery languages and views... yet behind me the soul weeps for the frail and delicate nature of such ideaologies...
All is one, and one is all... I am the one, and the world is the all... All of us are but tiny specks of life moving like the blood through the vessels of the Earth... How losing one life means nothing... Yet as a bulk of the human race and all life on it we form the rivers of life and the flow of the living and its life force... As each life affects another and another affects yet another... We soon realise... our life does not belong to purely thyself... That everything and everyone is connected somehow in a huge tapestry so tightly woven together...
The human body composition: water 35litres, carbon 20kg, ammonia 4litres, salt 250g, sulphur 80g, iron 5g, lime 1.5kg, silicon 3g, fluorine 7.5g, phosphorus 800g, and trace amounts of 15 other elements. all these materials easily obtainable and cheap too yet... by some mysterious miracle we can move and live... Body, soul and spirit... The spirit connects the soul and the body...
I wait aimlessly both for the future and the present... as I once said before... 'I prospect the very origin and set off from the threshold... Ended up at the point of all beginnings... Only to understand... everything is a cycle...'. If that's really the case... then I wonder... by moving forward whether we are moving backward too? That ultimately what is a goal? When everything is just a cycle of being...
Am I sad today? =( I dunno... Do I feel something? Yea... What is it I feeling? Nothing... ... Same thing on my mind? Perhaps... A penny for your thoughts then? Definitely... Am I unhappy again?
I dunno... because... its undescribable... as someone once said to me... 'How do u define unhappy or happy? Just okok la...' So i guess... I'm... okok =(