Dancing to the rhythm of life... Seeing new things everyday. Everything exactly the same but somewhat different. Long time no blog... so many things to say yet so difficult to ellaborate. everybody should be busy mugging away now... But I guess I'm procrastinating. Finally got music back to my own blog. Feels as though also finally got some music back into my own life.
Living for the day after tomorrow... I wonder what kind of day that would be? Taking light hearted sleep. I've become a light sleeper. Drifting passively with the bulk of the people and leading a life of complacency.Tall tales to entertain myself? hardly any nowadays... =X Yet as I think to myself everynight... keep feeling somehow sometime soon some kind of drama is going to start unfolding.
Learning the arts to surviving harsh reality. To esacpe to my inner sanctuary to conceal myself from blindspots. Though times are ending and new time is creating every living second of my life. As I relinquish the past and doubt the future, I ask myself in the present where I wanna go and ask myself lots of typical 'think too much' questions.
I really wonder all the time... If what we are living in is the real world. How do I know if I am dreaming. In fact how does everyone know if they are truely existent or not. Maybe we're all part of someone's dream. Maybe we're all fictious characters in a book? No one knows. Yet as I fear with a fear so deeply intense deep inside. What happens if I wake up one day to find out the 18 years of my life was just a dream and that nothing ever happened. If so... who am I really? Perhaps an old geezer in hospital? Perhaps a baby having a dream? Or even someone in a comma seeing visions of another world. The parallel world called our world.
No one can tell me what is truely real and what is truely false. Faith shall carry us through the darkest hour yea? I used to think so. But I wonder if faith is what we turn to when we have no answers. If this really were by a chance a dream world... perhaps our dearly departed had merely just woken up. And the point when we die we shall finally understand what it all means to be living in this world we are now. Even if this were a dream... I wish I never woke up =X Grown so emotionally attached to so many things here... Can't possibly just go like that... =((
These past few days have felt so happy... I kind of dread the days after even though i know its bad. I'm learning to be good... So one day my dream and wish will come true... For now... I guess take it all down... even though I feel that lonely feeling... It's alright... perhaps then appreciation will come before anything else... ...
My one and only wish... since starting of the year... ... If with enough effort and sincerity... Perhaps... ... it might... ... happen? I wish so hard >.<
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