Do I sense a rift in time again? memories awaken... dormant ones... death to the undying that's a lie... To the action it is surface deep and superficially shallow and narrow-minded... To the soul so deep I tell myself no lies... That in the end what's real? What's the truth behond the truth... Not gonna fight it anymore... What I want... no rather what I wish... which I know shall always stay true...
As long as my heart is strong enough to withstand the storms ahead and the erosion of time... Then this dream is no dream... this truth is a fact... Maybe some people may say it's still dumb... But never for a second I ever meant anything I ever said towards the end... what I really wish to say out loud... ever repeating in my mind... the word... ...
Brother... ...
I can never forget no matter how hard I try... one and only for life... even if it is one-sided =/
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