Green is the colour of life. The colour of nature in its most lush and the symbolism of fertility and holy energies. It is intermediate between the yellow of the sun giving life to the crystal blue of our oceans and lakes. Green is internationally associated with healing, peace and vegetation. Lovers of the colour green are peaceful, quiet and careful, and are more often males than females. curiously though... studies show that more guys like purple than girls. lol
And then there is the oxymoronic interpretation of green. In chinese old wives tales we hear stories of ghosts appearing in a green puff of smoke, and in western cultures green is also commonly used to label toxic substances. Green for one is also the colour of poison and immaturity. It is no wonder we call green fruits unripe and a newcomer a greenhorn. More infamously I'm sure everyone has heard the saying 'green with envy'.
A lesson in colour is important to understand our psychology and other's too. Color therapy theory certainy sounds awkward to me... I mean they actually say exposure to light of certain wavelengths of colour will have impacts on cellular activity. Well I only have one thing to say... I am no plant and neither do I have photosynthetic pigments. So I wonder how on earth I will be affected by incident light... lol But I do believe this... The fact that colour affects our moods and the reason is because colours symbolise things we know. I say yellow and one quickly associates that to happiness. there is no argument there.
Dreams in colour... I'm starting to have new outlooks on the effect of colours in dreams. I'm a fan of the colour green and I find those descriptions of green lovers apt. including sayings of 'green with envy'... ... I wonder... if in my dreams I will see those colours reputably therapeutic... or is it just so fast paced in dreams as it is in real life... I nag and complain as time goes by and I am crammed with work. yet when times to take a break comes... I quickly find myself dreading the boredom...
A lavendar field... a lovely contrast of purple and green... I wonder if in my whole life I will ever see something so beautiful... I close my eyes and I imagine... This steep mountain range set in the background with snow capped apexes. The Sun so gently obscured by the tall rocky peaks. And in the fore ground this vast vast field of purple flowers in a sea of thin green leaves that sway in the incoming breezes. Grabbing a jacket people get out of their homes to see those lovely fields so majestic in the pinkish glow of the evening sunset. Chilling dry winds from the mountains scud ever so silently bringing with it a waft of floral and soothing fragrance. It's nature's aromatherapy at work... ... ... ...
Christmas's coming soon... And suddenly I wonder... If i'll see snow in Singapore... Not the white fluffy snowballs of the northern and southern latitudes, but the raging blizzards that surge ever so frequently in everyone's heart this coming season... I feel bored... =/
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