Stuff people said... Some speak to me... While others, as simple as a mere phrase is gonna be in my mind for the rest of my life. 08S02 chalet was a day of reckoning and self discovery when i start to see the real me and until now I dun dare to ask the people how they felt or if what I am thinking of how they felt were indeed true... =/ But whatever it is... I've decided not to ask anymore. Becuz thing is I thought I was horrible so I shld do something to change myself.
Walking home today after a trip to the gym and I saw that grass patch that has been left bare after some deconstruction took place a year ago. And i rmbed Toh Liling once said that the grassy area was cooler. And that time I responded that no way... cuz plants respire too so logically speaking a grassy area will feel hotter than a barren piece of land... Just random thoughts here. lol
Discovered some facts about proteins and fat metabolism today while I was surfing the net and realised i made a super BIG mistake in my dieting plans. Well not too late to correct them since I just started ytd anyways.This time I'm gonna build muscle instead of just thinking of slimming down =) Hopefully with the extra muscle my fats will be burned off more easily.
Singing songs today all day long... Sounds really dumb... But always like to memorise the lyrics of my fav songs. And this time i actually learning an anime song. Sakura kiss in Ouran High School Host Club. Ah well... a big sweat at the gym, a haircut and then a cold shower feels awesome... =)
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