Really... I have nothing against NS at all. Neither do I hate it nor want to bail on it. It's just that, as the days grow ever so near I can't help having my intestines all knoted up and my hyperactive imagination surely does not help to alleviate the symptoms. I wonder if I am emotionally, physically and mentally fit to enter into this phase called NS T.T I'm constantly surrounded by female friends... so NS probably would be an extreme change of scenery. Think a polar bear in the middle of the Kalahari desert and that would give you a rough idea. =/=
Ok... but let's try to solve one challenge at a time. I want to solve the physcial challenge first and that starts off with the bio-clock. I really need to rid myself of insomnia and sleep early. Get used to the daily wake up early and go to bed early routine, and not this late-night owl rountine which I've been currently adopting. I need to beef up my immune system so that I dun keep getting sick everyday like I am now... hai...
I wish it wouldn't have came so soon... becuz I thought i was ready... But I'm still scared afterall... =X
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