Work life so far had been quite enjoyable, and I really enjoy every bit of it, minus all the sleepy and mundane parts of course. But of course, all these wouldn't have been possible without a group of friends that make every single day so colourful and also so worthy to look forward to =) A friend did told me just a few days ago that certain things need not require that much thinking.
It will always be good to delve deeper and reflect upon yourself, but ultimately, I guess... If going deeper is going to make you sink further into a path of no return, then what use is there to do so then? Distracting myself daily with the funny and pleasant things around me. There are so many times when I feel like saying something, but hold it back because I suddenly feel like certain things; certain stories are just not meant to be said...
Alas... At the end of each day when I listen to my mp3 on the long trip home pass the quiet cemetery and through the bustling shopping malls; when I switch on my X-mini and go to sleep; when I wake up in the morning and drag myself to work... I always remember something... And I close my eyes and try to make out an image that I fear will blur in days to come...
It'll forever be a distant memory that I will not forget... But all the feelings that I have today... all those feelings I had yesterday... I wonder if they would also be translated to tomorrow? =/ Will it be that sad that things you really wish to remember at that frozen point in time fade as new memories come in... Because I really dun ever for a second want that to happen... But I'm human =X Just a HUMAN... I can only remember this many things... So I look down into the bottom of my heart and remember a promise I made...
Have you made a promise- ask yourself honestly-to yourself... ... At that point in time when you were so helpless and so hopeful at the same time yesterday?