Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Dreams That Makes Memories

A dream within a dream... Ever had that feeling of that you've been in one of the scenes in the movie 'Inception'? We desire peace from the world every night as we put our hearts and minds to rest. Rest from the cacophony of noises in our heads and ears; Rest from the anxiety and stress of work and lamentations; Rest from the constant battle between good and evil that tears at our consciences. And as darkness glazes our eyes and mind... A new adventure unfolds before us. A realm of uncertainty as to what may happen. For the dream realm is but a place of enigma-- A place where the science of this world fails to explain and our minds fail to comprehend.

A vision of night we receive. A blessing when we see rainbows and the beauty of this world and a curse when we see demons hiding at every corner. But what is it about dreams that make them so special? Admit it that we hardly remember what we dream of anyways. It's all such a blur and yet we know in our heads that the details are locked up somewhere in our mind. You just need some sort of trigger to stir up all those juicy bits and clear up those vaguely familiar scenarios.

My point is this... As we lay to sleep at night and we dream a dream of fantasy. As much of the dream realm all these fantasies belong to they are as much as etched in our minds as memories. So if I lost someone I loved in a dream and cried. Don't I wake up with tear drops streaking down my face? I know I do~

What we feel and what we see... The experiences in a world that makes no sense. My mind was not my own and my heart beat seemed to stop. I submerged myself into the character of a story which brought me to unfold myriad mysteries, and when I awoke I remember and they become a memory of mine. And it really makes me wonder how real are dreams anyway? For do I not feel the pain of this world from a heartache as much as I felt the ache of that world? And did I not feel unspeakable joy in a dream as did I wake up in an awesome mood?

Some dreams we really are surprised at ourselves for conceiving them. I wonder if they show me my innate desires or the dark side that I so diligently suppress every second of my life. But one thing's for certain: The dreams I have they become a memory. 

An echo from a shadow realm , a whisper of things yet to come. Thought's strange sister that dwells in night. Is swept away at the first dawn's light~~

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