Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Tale Of One City- Two People

Are what we have as memories forever our own alone? For isn't every moment we ever spent... Spent with people in our time somehow. One episode... For One incident when I felt this and then you felt that. But in the end. Different feelings and different versions of the same thing that happened. So who is it to decide how was it that things really happened? =S

What is real? I really can't tell anymore. Especially for somethings I find myself so mixed up that I find myself falling~~

Do I lack the faith? Do I lack the conviction?

Don't I even have that small bit of trust left in me to believe in the people around me?

Cos... this isn't a game at all =( Not a game where I can do whatever I want and be the hero of the story in the end...

Cos no matter how many times I flip a coin to decide a fate: A head; a tails. Two faces of the same object~ Much like how every day we sometimes do this but actually feel something else entirely... Does that make me a hypocrite? I think that just makes me human! But a midst the facades and the disguises do we still feel serenity within our daily lives. Before we sleep do we still remember we are the coin. Not the heads or tails we so based our lives to adapt to different issues and to show people different faces: Sometimes just so we could fit in or feel better of ourselves because deep inside we felt so lousy we could die. Where are we now? 

Cos... I feel lost~~ Hoping to go to sleep to escape the thought

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