I think I should have realized by now how much alike I am to a lone leaf floating gently down the stream. How I move and drift at the slightest ripple. How the calm water surface so closely resembles my emotional state; How easily it is disturbed by the most subtle touch of a coming breeze.
I have thought to myself so many times... About how I wished I could read what people were really feeling and thinking. If only I were an empath or a telepath... Yet sadly I am neither one. =/
Do people think about whether whatever they do is right or wrong all the time? I am afraid to do so many things because I always have this dread feel that whatever I do will make others unhappy. So I thought twice and thrice... and sometimes more... But even with so much caution I still make mistakes... I really dunno what other people think and feel... It really is so confusing... =///
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