There is something worth living for... and not myself... becuz I am worthless...
Ordinary life is mundane and dull... may a little drama add a lil zing and of course spice. Different perception... oxymoronic... Confessions of a teenage drama king... read and enlight...
This means that our intelligence factors as I would term it, rather than the common I.Q. is directly proportional to the environmental influx and inversely proportional to the amount of body fat we possess as oppose to body mass. With this sacred equation in mind, I shall state the laws of the equation that i had set when I thought of it... Feel free to refute or accept but most importantly read with an open-mind and maybe an entertainment.
The Fundamental of the I.Q. equation obeys:
1) Null G is a constant value innated at birth and affects the I.Q factors directly but is uniquely and exclusively individual. This simply means that how much we can retain and absorb is in our genes and is the maximum capacitated potential of our intelligence. Just like different sponges have different absorbance we work that way as well. It is a set value that limits our potential.
2) E as expressed as environmental influx is the additive effect of many probabilities of many influences where summation of all possible influxes equals to 1. This means that how well we get smart depends on the environment we are working in. With many combinations, probably too many to account for the direct effect but all has approximately equal chances of occuring given the right incentives and ultimately as summation of probabilities definitely and inrefutably equals one. Environment not only includes the geographical dimensions but also the people around you and things that you see and experience and is a widely diverse variable with infinite combinations across a distribution of individuals.
3) F is the fat to body ratio and is inversely related to the I.Q. capability, it which hinders maximum I.Q. capacitated potential and suppressess the perfect expression of null G in an individual. Scientific research has confirmed that a person who is overweight has an intelligence quotient that is less by 30% in contrast to an individual of healthy weight. Fats are stored in adipose tissues which proliferate in an obese individual and saps the body of nutrients and also hinders the blood circulation to the brain, particularly the left hemisphere of the cerebrum. With a born null G value, presence of fats will reduce the maximum intelligence at any one time by a factor of 0.3 hence preventing full exploration of mental capabilities. Bottomline... the more fat you are the dumber you are. (Which is good news for me, as it means if I lose weight I can be smarter as opposed to people who are already thin can no longer increase their capabilities. I have evidence to prove this stand as the point when I lost weight last time, all my grades in secondary school sky rocketed to top grades, record of topping 6 papers for prelims in sec4 after drastic weightloss ^^)
It has reached a stage of a collective neurosis when one's panic spreads to another much to ironic belief of the anxiety within LOL!(***note the 'RICH' sarcasm -.- ) Take your F value as BMI and null G value as 1 and see your I.Q quotient now... but E is undetermined as combinations are infinite but maximum 1. Therefore:
Zhao Mian's I.Q = (E)(1) / (29.4) = 0.0340E
(note that this I.Q. is not how smart you are but your potential now and G varies with everyone but for simplicity we assume everyone expresses G the same so assigned a value of 1)
Gonna try to lose weight and create another miracle... Going to increase the E value by starting up a study group of intense treatment... Anyone interested may find me and I will give u a sneak preview of the revolutionary plan and then u be the judge whether u wanna be in or out... Alright... going off...
I understand... ... Just feel like it's a cherry on top of a recipe for gloom... =(