Been seeing so many love stories recently this year... Comments: It's hard to believe people you know can get dunked into the river of love or get shot by cupid's arrow when it sort of never occurs to u... I mean friends joke around you know... about love and stuff... But it's always jokes... and all and plain old teasing of course... But when you realise things are more serious now... Just kind of taken aback and a bit hesitant... but of course happy for the new couples... Takes time to accept changes in your life I guess...
I wonder... If BGRs do us any good... or even this multi-dictionary-meaning of 'love'... If there was just this science fiction world where people were all just pure friends and all... I wonder if the world would be a better place? o.O But how would people reproduce then? asexually I suppose... LOL.
Kinda disgusted by BGRs and love after somewhat some experiences and things I see around me... I just feel when people are in love... Change seems inevitable... But to be in a relationship one day and look into a mirror and see myself from now... I wonder... If I could embrace such change with an open mind and of course an open heart... I really dunno >.<
But as much down in luck I am in love... I wish every couple or budding relationship be happy yea... As much mindless zombies of love sick people become... I see them exude a burst of new happiness I have never seen before... Dun think so much yea? I guess people who change are happy? =X
I accept it... as much as I am disgusted... at least people are happy and I see my friends so glad... Maybe love's not such a bad thing afterall... If not for it... I guess... I won't even be in this world now despising it... lol
For now... no BGRs for me... Just holding out my hand for that someone to hold back one day... Waiting and wishing everytime I see u... that will today be the day?
I promised since long ago... no matter what... or how tired my hand is I will extend it for you... Just waiting for you to extend yours one day... ... I wait... and wish it was today everyday...
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