Days of stories past... days of present linger... days of future imploration... Inspiration for indecision... I wish upon a wishing star... Far far away in the cosmos... If I could have my little wish granted and I would be grateful... When anger dissolves and denial stockpiles... I stare at life with a frost glazed eye. I wonder... of everyone... I wonder to myself... if sometimes some ridiculous tale will make adherents of realism believe... and accept...
I feel alone... and lonely... Cold as ice in ink black space... Gravitating from planet to planets... I wonder... when is it I will finally land on a place for me to stay... If only in this time of darkened emotions and ever-solemn mindset... I find someone to reach out and pour out this wish... If only friends will believe my tall tales... if only truths were not so inconvenient...
I see change in people I know... And I feel so distant... That how old times i reminisce... And appreciate the existence... to only see morphism in the face of new chapters in life... Trudging on on the path to life and its mysteries... My back getting heavier... My eyes much drier... Perhaps a foresight not so far...? A heart with stiches, glitches and fissures... I see the pain within my soul... I hate the change I see... Yet see the old in change and hold on... Because... as much as things changed and feelings gained and lost... Somehow... my convictions never changed... maybe wavered but never forgotten...
I try with might as tiny as nebula... To forge a genesis and to forgo the past... I yearn to convince the bulk of golden friendships... yet fearing the redress of the innocence of one so eye nailed... But with the littlest hope... I pray with every nebula and million nebulae... a glittering star will form... With debris apart and anecdotes told... perhaps by chance a glimmering hope...
I can't do much... thought slight translation... A quiver in the heart and a bandaged heart...
If only... someone will believe me... because I really tell the truth of what I see... =(((
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