Ok let's start with JJC prom 2009. Haha Went through all the prom pictures of our class people and people I know, and i was like shocked and amazed really. I mean the girls particularly. When they doll up themselves they are really really pretty XD No kidding. Hmmm... not exactly some fashion expert, but i thought peishing looked like a princess, nice hair btw. Toh Liling =.= ya lar ya lar I look closer you really look more sophisticated and pretty also la =D. Cynthia from E club was like very nice ^^V and many many more. Though things to comment on the shock scale would be Peiting's surprising hairstyle. Really blew my mind away o.O Abigail also very different. OMG I thought i saw a ghost. You were damn white la. =.= Winnie also look very different. But compared to Peiting they all okok la actually not that big a diff. Well hope everyone had an enjoyable prom night in Las Vegas and brought home with them beautiful and grandur memories of their graduating years. =)
Yesterday I was rather cheerful until some unpleasant incident like burned me up. =/ I was like complaining to toh liling how totally annoyed i was that I had to impose one of my famous silence on people. Sec school people shld know how serious and severe it is when I impose silence on someone. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... Well it started with just a small flame which then escalated into this huge forest fire the more I think about it. Well for now... Fire still sky high and waging. But with time any fire will be extinguished. So let's just see how long this fire would last =/// But point to note to self is that I dun like fiery anger. I dun believe in that. Feel it is childish. Rather I believe in cold anger. The type when u ignore someone or hate them but not say a word. Let it all just rage from the heart, but show it in a subtle way.
Today is the second day of my scholarship course. I have to say it is really worth the money. It cost $90 btw. But the school has subsidised us money already. The speaker was extremely assertive and professional. She was an interviwer herself and is a personal trainer of the corporate world. I mean all of us were like awed at her stories of interviews and her own personal tips. She got us all to go up in front of everyone and like practise some questions that we write for ourselves. Learnt so much about communication and how we present ourselves as well as many things which I can expect to be asked during an interview. As much as it was nerve wrecking to talk infront of everyone, I guess it was good practise u know. after two days i kind of got used to talking in front of people and sharing my views. Another thing to commend about this workshop is that the trainer actually helps us discover what are our values, goals, missions and beliefs. She hears from us individually and give feedback on whether we shld revise it to make it sound more like a goal or what. And THANKS CLAIRE!!! U really helped me forget all about my confusion. For now I think u have finally helped me find out what course I shld take in University ^^V I really appreciate it so much, becuz I have been unable to sleep well for a long time. Becuz I am constantly harassed and haunted by the question. Overall during lunch we all agreed that this was absolutely money well spent. If given a choice of signing up again. GOSH we all would definitely do so and encourage ppl to close one eye on the course and soon they will find out why it is THAT worth it. Tmr would be the mock interview =X Going to prepare for it soon. Going to be interviewed like I am really going to some scholarship talk. There is even going to be a video camera and all so that we can see ourselves. And at the end of the day she is going to tell us if she would award us the scholarship =X Quite nervous. But after I know what I want. I FEAR NOTHING NOW!!!
Well I guess I have some positive bonuses according to Claire before the interview. She says I have an open face and a very friendly smile which not many people have. Which is very welcoming and will help build rapport with the interviewers. Anyways she also taught us how to build physical rapport with the interviewers through our body language which I thought was extremely interesting and useful. Also my language is fluent and clear, and I have a very child-like wonder which makes my voice especially attention grabbing and spirit lifting. AWESOME ^^. Well shall post again tomorrow to say if I will be awarded the scholarship during the mock interview. But really gotta do my hmwk for tmr. (TURNS OUT u really need to do a LOT of hmwk for an interview)
kk last but not least. today I went to the briefing at MOE for my teaching internship. Sad thing was I never really saw any JJ students at all. Perhaps there were? I dunno. But I didn't see any. =/ Felt rather lonely becuz a lot of people came in groups. Well still congratz to myself. I am the 1/4 of the people who applied for this internship and got it. woohoo. Well I think this scholarship workshop helped me have a feel of talking in front of the crowd so I am that much more confident that I will try my best to be a great teacher during my whole school experience. Curiously though, many people say I look like a teacher. So I guess this would the best time to see how true is that yea. Well all is a mystery. Life is a thrill. Continued emphasis today that everyone is equal but unique. Tmr shall be a fun day to look forward to. For now I go do my hmwk and PREP =.=
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