Ever since I went pooling that day, I find myself addicted to the game. Can't wait to go for pool tomorrow again. Though I'm no expert at the game but just enjoy the whole process. And I know that probably all the people there are like laughing at my noob skills. But I'm sure one day I would be a great player too and I won't laugh at any noob players =)
Yesterday's bad vibes were all washed off clean when I woke up this morning. Along with all the tears last night =.= But alright I feel all the more stronger now and all the more capable of handling things. Probably came to terms with the small quest for the BIG why. since I found the answer, I decided to just move on with it. I have hope that someday I will find the one who will accept me for who I am anyways. For now I shall just work hard to improve myself and look out for that someone.
Today I went cycling with bl for like 2 hours and I almost died. K lah i was weak =.= But I guess this just means I'm not that physically fit and probably I need to do something about it. Legs feel like rocks now. So hard and heavy zzzzzz Hope i dun cramp in the morning, cuz I going to pool and buffet tmr ^^V. Sort of thought today if i shld plan a meet up with some of my frens I seem to be ignoring. I guess I'll think of something for the following days.
Well... Today I think I finally got over one thing and cleared a big dilemma for a long time. said the two magic words to someone else for the first time and this time it felt right seriously. So i guess mystery solved. and I'm quite happy about it. I guess in this world we shld put large our views. I won't say everybody is ur best fren. But then one person can definitely have more than one best fren. As long as a fren is able to withstand time and distance and still make u feel that good fren feeling I guess they shall be my best frens. k that's all for today. Feel the light of the world already. Though there is one person i start hating recently...
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