Well firstly... Tmr is KHAIRIYAH BIRTHDAY LE ^^ Made a super fantabulous gift that was so totally FREAKIN AWESOME that I keep praising myself LOL ya lar ya lar I probably sound so arrogant now but seriously it's AWESOME *.* Last year's gift already so awesome le so this year gotta be better. Spent like the whole day from morning till night to do, and finally finished. Gotta say again... I am so proud of myself. I am so impressed by myself LOLOLOLOL XD well hope she dun faint when she see it tmr. Gonna pop by her house in the morning and give her her first bday 'cake' as breakfast. MacDonalds hotcakes haha... well apparently she going somewhere with her parents. Some famous religious teacher so too bad me and rad and khai plans ruined. Now switch to wednesday le... Bummer... But still my gift is AWESOME hahaha...
Next... hmmm though xmas is like still rather far away... I delivered xmas presents to my good frens already haha... Must be honoured oh lol It may seem simple but I put in a lot of effort to make de. startong from begging toh liling to lend me her oven to bake my things =.= Thx toh liling ^^ Then I had to learn wrapping from Tay yiling who apparently say that the wrapping i use is very easy de... Guess girls know how to wrap stuff... But I'm a guy zzzz So I really had a hard time rewrapping a lot becuz too ugly zzzz... well hope everyone enjoyed the honey and butter toasted flakes XD they were my first attempt so hope u all udst if they were slightly burnt =P Hmmm... had a serious dilemma while delivering the gifts though. But shall not elaborate yea... Just know i got a huge headache and I felt super sorry and guilty... thx toh liling to tell me what to do when i so panicky =X Well... lets leave this here... shall not gossip. It's not good news anyways.
Hai... Days are passing and the day of me going to teach is starting. Feeling superbly nervous. And feeling ill at the thought of me wearing shirt, tie and long pants. And WORST OF ALL the obiang teacher's shoe =.='' eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... Mixed feelings of daily stuff now. Often think to myself questions of human relation. as in how do we ever tell if we made a mistake. And how do we detect it. Will a 'like' always last... or be sadly mistaken. The boundary between love and like is so thin... I wonder how we tell them apart... =S hai... sadness...
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