In any case, I guess one will eventually reach rock btm, and they will have no where else to go but up. Feeling especially fresh today with a super exotic dream. But haha kinda forgot what it was about already. Just rmb that I woke up and laughed at how stupid it was. I am pretty sure it was something about me being a superhero with special powers XD Well dreams will be dreams I guess.
I just feel that when things are really frustrating, maybe I shld not face them so soon. Perhaps I need a good night's rest to calm down in the morning. So next time, when I get mad at something I shall just ignore it until the next day bah. Probably that would minimize the rashness and probably the fiery fury. For the many disappointments I had ytd... I forgive and forget le. And I sort of learnt a lesson. Or rather had a better impression of one I told myself not so long ago while I was looking through some photos of ppl on facebook.
Well... all I can say is... What's urs is urs. and that's why other's have their own things. Maybe instead of wishing for something that is someone else's I shld just give up quietly and just do my present part. Worrying for ppl is actually not worth it under certain circumstances. for all u know someone else may already be filling in for that part. Someone even better probably. So it is with humility I denounce I give up on my hidden desire bah. let's just be happy at coming moments and let go the unnecessary desires.
As christmas comes... I start to ponder about my own birthday and what i posted ytd. Probably some of the words were exaggerated but thinking about it...it does hold some amount of truth. And I ask myself if I'm a bad person in a sense that maybe I wish ppl would return a gratitude? Perhaps bah i dunno. But I wonder what I want at all in life nowadays. Dun want some expensive stuff, nor want any gadget or gizmo. At the end of the day... I guess what I want is just things that can nvr be purchased by money. A conviction, some luck and self-discovery.
Wonder though... as much as I tell ppl the true meaning of 'Happy Birthday', if mine is much appreciated. oh well... even if it doesn't life goes on. And like my parents used to say. U old liao bday also useless. Ya lol. True... it's just like everyday of a yr. nothing special anyways.
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