A lovely 4th time re-watch of Lovely Complex. And I gotta tell you it just doesn't get boring *-*!!! Well... Guess what? Today's Prom Day again. And the decision still the same as secondary school. No prom for me as well. Kinda regret it really but at the same time kinda glad. I guess I'm being ambivalent now haha Perhaps fickle too. But oh well... I have my own reasons.
Decided to do something productive today since everyone was like preparing for prom and I feel kinda left-out sad to say. But nontheless have fun peeps ^^ Hope everyone dress nice nice and have a great time! Look forward to prom pics so that I can laugh at them and perhaps be amazed at 'Ugly duckling to swan' makeover stories LOL. Cleared my room today, and I'm proud to say alas that the right side of my table is finally going to see the light of day. encountered great dilemma though. For I wasn't sure if I could throw all those JC notes away since I was going for teaching intern in Jan and they could really come in handy.
been receiving scholarship application invitation letters from NUS, NTU,... and suddenly I realise that just as I were in primary school till now I have no aims nor aspirations. I wonder what course to take you know. I guess I'm at a bad state right now since I have practically no idea of what I want to be nor what I'm suited for. I only have family goals haha... Sad to say I'm more sentimental than serious and practical. Always watch those shows on TV where guys with dreams are just HOT lol. Guess I must be missing that HOT factor since I have no dreams of the future =.= Boiling down to it I guess I'm just too simple and content with the daily pleasures of life.
Some of those scholarships were pretty tempting I have to say, yet, I dun wanna take up a scholarship anyhows without bearing in mind the aftermath and the things it entails. Again more dilemma and confusion =.= someone funny said I shld go be a writer and I was like laugh laugh laugh. But what truely is to laugh is that I just might go into the writing business. Who knows man? To put it in a good way, I'm a piece of newly-purchased clay that can be moulded into anything. But hey hey, let's face reality that I'm just really indecisive. =/
As I watch lovely complex episode 24. I start to wish my future path will just suddenly come clear to me like on the show when i meet something that truely inspires me on the road and makes me say... I WANT TO DO THAT!!! XD Oh bless Otani and Koizumi, the dynamic duo in Lovely Complex ^^V.
Well... If you ask me, truth is I do have a small dream. But kinda feel awkward to say it out you know. Because this is not something an academic brain will say. Because that just means that I wasted my whole life studying when I do not even need to haha. If only I can open my own store one day I was thinking that sells nice food and beverages. It is to laugh... but my small dream was to open a successful dessert shop I guess =). But I wonder how on earth chemisty, biology, math or even GP is going to come handy for this =.=. Although when I was a baby the fortuneteller did say I would make it big in the food industry and be very rich ^^.

Perhaps one day when I have earned enough money I will do that bah ^^V It is afterall my small small fantasy. The future is a blur to me, and I have my own personal values that I shall not make up things on the spot during a scholarship interview or something. I shall not lie just to get in. I want to be sure before I do anything. That sounds kinda MAN doesn't it? hohohohoho XD
Whether I choose science; Whether I choose business; Whether I choose the Arts; Whether I choose medicine; Whether I choose the public services sector... I just hope when I do I'll be sure. I'll be sure of what I need to do to deliver (Y)
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