The healing process is a painful one because adaptation is never easy... While some people may let go of things of the past for the new things, others maybe sentimentalists holding on to relics of the old glory. I have given up on the hopes of finding people that will understand. Like I said time and again... I can't wish for people to understand me... because for people to understand me I must first learn to understand others... Yet I really don't know... I don't know... =/// I have been trying with all my heart to understand everyone around me, and eating the pain and sh!t that comes... I don't know when is the time when... ... someone will then understand me. Because I don't want to be so selfish anymore... ='/
But... ... deep down who doesn't want someone to understand him or herself? because when the whole world is against you, which is how I feel now... Sometimes... All I wish is not an answer but just someone there... to listen with the heart; no words required at all =X
I'm appealing to something that died weeks ago... Talking to a corpse? how pathetic I am... yet being hopeful is a sin as is not letting go to something dead... Letting go in a sense that without my existence... this will be a better place perhaps...
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