What we see... do we believe? How we portray ourselves and tell people things... Are they really what we really feel? And when we play this game of charades... doing so many things and not saying so many words like a game of Taboo.. Will the other people at the receiving end notice? Will it be too subtle... Or will people take it as picture perfect?
I can't force things to happen... When we force things... Things just don't turn out the way we would have thought it would turn out in the end. So then how should I go about things then... ? I wish I knew... ... A friend once said this: We never turn out to be what we thought we would be... ... Starting to see how that fits into the picture. Be it for the better or for worst. I really can't tell from where I'm standing right now!
Why is it... with so many many thoughts and feelings welling inside me like a lava plume expending upwards into a violent eruption... I just feel so afraid to share things with people. Not that I don't want to... Just that I'm really really afraid =X So I suffered in silence...
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