Is that wheel spinning or not? Is it an animation or just the minds eye playing tricks on you... Yea... it is an optical illusion that makes you think that the wheel is moving when in fact it is stationary and it is your eyes that are moving...
Many things around us... different perceptions... multi faceted views of the same issues... Some callous grasp the giest of the trick... some average ones scan through and experiment... while the meticulous yet slow scruntinize the minute issues of the larger picture... What we move on... we forget and accept... Yet moving on sometimes we miss out somethings small but interesting... some things maybe important yet dull looking...
To stare life in the eyes... like a gazebo from the top... like spinning wheel that is an optical illusion... Too big too vast for one person alone to play... spot the difference... Sometimes... sometimes... you dun have to be alone... because with people around you and with the company of some people... from the past, present and those you have not yet met in the future... they will help you see those things you missed out... You'll never know... until you look back now... without... that someone maybe you would never have discovered...
to see the world through a kaleidoscope... mission impossible... yet... I can dream yea?
Etched on the inside... so many things... so much emotions... To never look back and fantacise the future... I can't... can u?
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