Three... ... Three days of agony, three days of pain... Three days for exams, three shots for hope... From family three and class 4e3 in secondary school... My life is full of threes... Looking back... J1 passed so fast... Secondary school even faster... Yet strangely I wondered why during those times everything felt so slow and monotonous... I chuckle to myself at those flashbacks that playback sporadically like some spoilt recorder... How vivid they were yet how bland it tasted at that moment... Memories... you cherish only when you look back... This pain and agony now...? Maybe in the future when I look back I will laugh? And mock at how instantaneous time flies by...
Adapting... Adapting to a different life... Had to admit old life will be perfect to people... To study day in and out like a zombie and get grades that will make people envious... Concentration more recovered and tangible... Miss the discarded part of my life... Feels lonely somehow... never felt this way last time when I was living this life... Now something seems lacking... ...
First day of exams... Feeling of new spirits and new hopes... All to last until seeing.... Shattered impressions and determination... Felt the gloom creep through my body. So intense just sudden flashes of memories I said were to be stored away and locked up... Felt utterly disturbed and wanted to run away but i guess I can't... Different atmosphere in JJ now... ... Everything feels new like I just came to JJC... To adapt to this new 'old' self... and life... Can't sleep a day without feeling something missing...
Three papers to go... one down two to go... But three candles each to kindle hope... Three objectives behind three tests...
One to prove mastery and restore forgotten honour for someone lost...
One to heal scars and regain the glory...
One to make the legacy of a certain someone who left live on...

And a last fourth... for myself... as someone always said last time... ... Do it for yourself...
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