Monday, July 9, 2012

A Glistening Star In The Vast Black Sky

Do we feel lost in a sea of thoughts and an ocean of jealousy? Constantly fitting ourselves into photo frames and hiding behind smiles... We waste ourselves away as we live each and every single day. Shed a tear and moved on from hurt that bled inside us; Yelled at those that cared about us and felt guilty afterward; Lied to someone when we didn't wanted to do so at the very beginning; Tried to do good even though we knew we weren't that great at all~~

Where were we when we could have made a difference to our lives? We yearned for 'if only' and indulged ourselves in a world of fantasy and fairy tales...

We wanted to make friends and we wanted to meet our lovers. For they gave us acceptance and nurturing. They gave us a means through which we did not feel so alone anymore. Sometimes we take these people for granted even though we always tell people this cliche statement. It's not that we intended to. But human limits are prevalent and we could never shower attention on so many people at the same time... We quickly learnt that people come and people go... Much like the cyclic seasons that come and enter into our lives. Always the same yet somewhat different and each one etched into our memories forever and more~~

Do you crave for love? Do you want to be more perfect just so you could help those around you? Like a tiny kid lost in a city of towering buildings and skyscrapers looking for refuge under the watchful ink blackness of the night sky...

Admit it... That we counted the stars and admired the moon. The sky was not so dark after all. It led us to where we are today but yet we still tread cautious~ For we all fear things of big and small in nature... We fear of the darkness that will consume us; we fear of the darkness that implodes from within us...

We were sinners in every way; sinners in every aspect. A multi-faceted diamond on decay into the void... Could a sinner be a saint? For it is all so oxymoronic..

Yet by grace we were all saved... We did not choose him, but he chose us...

I am really the greatest sinner of them all... Yet he still chose me despite the darkness. I ran from the light initially for the light purged the darkness and revealed my darkest secrets. But having struggled in the darkness I forgot about how warm the light was. Isn't that what's happened to all of us? The greatest love of all... was that he loved us before he even saw us. And that is how the greatest love is so blind. 

We undeserving people... How sinful and arrogant. 

Yet never once was I forsaken... He's not slow to save but patient... 

And I could do nothing... for no words could express my thoughts -- No words in the dictionary at all. Just tears fill my eyes at a love so great and I could do nothing but praise the glistening star in that vast black sky to guide me to him once again~

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