Sunday, August 26, 2012

Etching of Feelings On Dreams, Makes Us Move On To New Beginnings

Do you have dreams and ambitions of a better future? Do you wish for a glorious prospect? Do you secretly keep a prayer of your deepest desire?

I have a dream... I have a dream filled with myriad shades and hues of colors in the present world of grey. Where the skies are green and the grasses are pink and in every dark corner there are rainbows to be found. For I so see feelings in color more vivid than what I perceive through the eyes- For the eye sees the appearance but the heart sees the heart of others, and that my friend is a realm of glamorous, dazzling flurry of colors.

But I am not special. Neither are you nor any other people for that matter. Having dreams of a better future is natural. Everyone has them someway or another. Even in deepest slumber we go into our own fantasy world sometimes. And is that dream that we conceive as we lay to rest each and every single night so different from the dream we envision ourselves in 10 years down the road? You think about that, for I have no answer for you.

Remember the times when we were still kids and the World itself was like a dream. Every new place we visited was an adventure and a conquest. The playground was our castle and the swings were the airplanes and spaceship. We left our tooth below our pillows in an attempt to catch the tooth fairy and we told our friends at kindergarten that we would be friends forever and ever and ever... 

Indeed all it took was that tiny ounce of imagination and then we let our hearts take us to where we most wanted to visit. But we lost that ability to imagine... Times are different... Times are hard. Everything moves faster and faster much like a train that will not stop. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? A clash of the titans for sure. For in this fast paced generation all things demand efficiency and velocity. Even food is prepared fast for that purpose. With each and every single day I get lost in a maze of time and a wall of demons formed by the stress of this millennium- How despaired are we in the arc of time~~

But I still hold on to this remnant of ability probably lost in this generation. To see the color in the souls of people and in the spirit of living. To see the world through tinted lenses so that white things now seem vibrant and ubiquitous becomes unique. For I etch my feelings and emotions into reality... much like an accomplished song writer crafts a beautiful masterpiece which goes into a beautiful symphony. Save this world and pause for a moment. Do not let the pace of this world infect you with the disease of the millennium... For as surely as the world rotates... as surely do we need to take a deep breath and start seeing the color in all things.

I feel the blue of melancholy in the misfortunes that befall on people on this planet. How HIV and AIDS have killed so many; How earthquakes and hurricanes destroy our homes. With a orange fury I despise this trend of all things that are fast and furious. Yet in this bleached and plain picture... I see yellow and green and purple and more in people and their passions for life. 

I wish the world would be one of peace and one of happiness. I simply wished I could do something to help all the chaos in the world today. I wanted so much to make a rainbow cake made out of rainbow and smiles, so that all people can eat and be happy. Perhaps it was naive =X But as I was making that cake I prayed and did it with all the positive feelings I could muster just so that my dreams could be etched into reality. Though things didn't turn out as beautiful as I imagined it would be... My heart was rejuvenated once more by the simple beauties my heart so sees and feels. The tears of love and life~

It's no longer a time to stay at one place... It's time I moved on... Things will never be the same again but it doesn't guarantee unhappiness... So I open my heart and mind to this world of new perception and once again shut my eyes tight... And even with shut eyes I see it so clearly... a World where the skies are green as emeralds; the leaves of trees golden; and the water a gentle shade of the lightest of violet~~

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