Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being In Love In A Movie

"We don't want to be in love. We want to be in love in a movie"

I watched an inspirational movie: Sleepless in Seattle; the night before as I took a break from all the mundane and hectic uni life. (which at this point somewhere out there who's reading this post of mine is definitely going to scream: WOMAN!!!) This particular quote was etched into my mind after the whole movie where I found myself sobbing over the touching ending and the heartwarming scenes which floated up into my mind. For all ye fans out there of romance movies that scream sob fest. and fantasy romance this is the one you ought to watch before you continue on with your life. For it can be no further from the truth that the messages behind the entire drama was good for the soul and you'll never know what you've been missing in your life until you've caught a glimpse of this 'chicken soup for the wounded hearts'. How to prepon this title is indeed...

Was thinking the other day about how memories work. Not the scientific neurological processes but rather the depths of its capabilities. I thought to myself as I was lying in bed and awaiting darkness to glaze my eyes and mind: What was my first memory? I could remember no more than flashes of my mum powdering me to sleep and singing this Chinese lullaby back when I was still in my old house. My old house was really small... but it was filled with warmth and family joy. It was where I grew up and where I spoke my first word; took my first step; the first place I ever learnt to call home that comes from the bottom of my heart.

Sometimes when I pass by my old house... I remember so many things. How I've changed to become who I am today and how sad it is to have forgotten so much. I savour the bitter remnants of relics kept close to my heart and yearn for more to keep in times to come: 10, 20, 50 years from now... A midst these thoughts of the limitations of my memory I couldn't help but feel a sting for a frozen beauty in time: How forever never ever exists... Where it appears it never lasts... where it becomes a non-fulfilling contract... a prophecy of realization surely when we die one day be it to the heart or our own bodies that there can be no eternity in this world of change everlasting... irony~~

There are only 24 hours in a day. No more and no less... It really boils down to how we intend to spend those precious hours before the sun sets on each and every single day. If we ever wanted to spend time on something... time needs to be taken from somewhere else. In all things... we sacrifice our time every now and then. We prioritize what's important and what's less. But sometimes... we reach a point when it's like my mother and father dropped into the sea... who will I save? A difficult decision that is painful either ways =(

But now let me get back to the movie... let me get back to the topic of this entire post: Love. I'm not going to talk plainly of the love between lovers-though that I'll do too- but also the love of friends and family alike: Agape, Philia and Eros. It dawned on me yesterday that the type of movies and shows that we enjoy are closely linked to our identities. I think nobody dares admit that they do not draw similarities between themselves and a show as they are viewing it. It is just our nature to do so... For things only made sense when we could draw reference to it to either through our knowledge or our own experiences. Otherwise we would hastily dismiss it as pure fiction or the impossible.

So I wonder why I enjoyed romance movies and supernatural content. Could it be that the shows reflect the things I lack in my life right now? How I've used imagery and similarities of the movies to add on to my own life just so that it will be that much more exciting when it's not even a true encounter or experience anymore. 

Do we remember what our first memory is? Do we remember the first love we had? It's suddenly becoming so vague. For in due honesty I've filled up those gaps with fantasy... they've been integrated so much that I can no longer tell the truth and the truth that I wished to perceive it.

And this time round... I did this post differently. For as I'm typing this post I've left out the title because I do not yet know what kind of title would have attracted people to read on. But I think I've decided that it shall be called: Being in love in a movie... for it's what we all do best as we idle into fantasy wishing for our own happy endings even as we struggle to survive.

But let me end with this video I found... an inspirational piece... enjoy:

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