Friday, March 25, 2011

As The Morning Frost Gathers

And so the depressing night ended with a lighter note... But I woke up this morning and waited... Waited and waited for something with much hope... Only to end up with a disappointment... I think about what other people I've turned to tell me... And I kind of understand everything they said... People say different things but they all make sense in their own ways. I'm not about to decide what happens next and I would like to just stop looking at all the small things that are happening because they are driving me crazy.

And even though I tell myself all these things... I can't help... I can't help feeling helpless again and at the same time sadness engulfs me. I don't want to turn to people to pour out whatever had happened all the time... Because I know full well how they will feel if I keep approaching them for the smallest of things. Yet at the end of the day... My one wish is to tell the subject of it all what I am feeling but I know I can't.

Morning is making way for the hot afternoon. And even though the sun shines even brighter somehow it gets colder here... I justify by saying I waited and it never came... But perhaps the real thing here-as sad as it may be-is I expected too much from something too little... =///

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