Monday, November 19, 2012

Where There Is Everything

We always look to the past. That's what we all do. Because we draw our identities from history and it shapes our minds and our personalities to become who we are today. It is the people we meet as well as the environment that we live in... All those painful heartbreaks and betrayals; All those happy moments which filled our days with endless wonder. But truly truly... there is nothing left for us in the past that we can ever take or grasp.

There is no time machine and there is no lost magic that will enable one to move back in time. What we remember is a photo - A snapshot of a fact that can never be denied; never change. Even as we look back and feel scared about certain things that we are facing now, because, our mind is such that we presume that history will repeat itself. That is why insecurities exists; that is why doubt exists. We can never point a finger at what gives us certain ideas that we have now. But dig deep and you soon find that they were all with reference from our experiences in life.

Some of us lead a comfortable life while others lead a less happy one. Our collective environment is infinitely varied because of the ways we see things and hence do them. A single choice is made differently among a group of people because we all have different experiences that cause us to see the light/dark of all things differently.

We can never exact our own standards on others. That will be unfair. For what is light to me may be dark to you and vice versa. I have always been a very accommodating and passive person. Always trying to please others and always trying to fit in. 

But I need to tell myself something important and make sure it becomes my mantra:

Dear Pessimistic Mian,

There is absolutely nothing left in the past for you... You can neither touch it anymore nor take from it anymore pain/happiness. But what you can take from is the future. As you stand in the present from where you are. Reach out your hands - don't be afraid - to the path ahead. Because that's where you can actually reach onto something... and change it.

Optimistic Mian 

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